Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easter 2015

We had a great Easter this year and enjoyed spending our day at church and with our families.  This year was our little boy's first Easter too and even though he wasn't old enough to get into all the Easter fun, he did look so adorable in his little Easter outfit!  We woke up and the girls got to see everything in their Easter baskets.  Then we all got ready for church.  We had a breakfast at church and got to snap a few pictures of the girls and their friends.

After the church service their was egg hunts by age groups and they were staggered so we could watch both girls.  This was our first year having them at separate spots at church.  Cohen is just growing way too fast!  We always say that about our kids but it is just so true!  Kate went first with her egg hunt and she collected so many eggs!  We ran from hers straight to the playground for Cohen's.  The big kids can really clear away eggs fast!  They both had plenty of eggs though!  We had to go take a family picture at the cross too.  I always love looking at the cross with all of the beautiful flowers.  It also shows what Easter is all about!  Our Savior has conquered death and is ALIVE!  

Sug & Bryce

I was only quick enough for one picture of Cohen egg hunting.  They were fast!

Cohen & Brooke...these girls have just grown so much!

Bryce couldn't quite stay awake for the picture...he conked out

After church we made our way to Nana's house.  We had such a good lunch there and since Bryce woke up when we got there we got another family picture with him awake in it!

After lunch there were more eggs to find!  This time they were hidden good for the kids to find.  Kelly actually had a silver egg that he hid in a piece of aluminum foil so it blended in so well!  It took us adults a few minutes to find it and it took the kids a long time to find it.  Kate was almost stepping on it at one point!  It was so funny watching them search and search...we were playing hot and cold with them.  Cohen finally found it!
running fast to start hunting

Searching for the silver egg...notice the foil is right beside Kate's foot

finally found it!

Loving on Pop!

Attempting to get Nana & the great grandkids...Bryce was not feeling that.  It was nap time.
Later that evening we went to Suzy's house to eat with my family.  The girls were so excited to get to ride the golf cart there.  We had more egg hunting fun.  I really enjoy having family time with everyone too.  Holidays are my favorite!  It was a fun day for all of us!

He loves Denny!

Bryce & Nanny Haley

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