Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Library Easter Egg Hunt

Today at the library story time, the kids got to have an Easter egg hunt which was probably the first of many this year for most all of these kids.  Our schools will all be out on spring break next week so the egg hunt had to be this week.  While Mrs. Emma hid the Easter eggs and candy, everyone got to make an Easter bunny craft.  I helped Kate with hers and then said a silent prayer that it would make it until we got home for me to put up.  I just knew she would either pull it apart and throw it everywhere or try to eat it.  I'm happy to say Mr. Bunny is still together and did make it home.   Cohen was very exact with hers.  She did a great job.  I have been taking Cohen to the library since a few months before her 2nd birthday and I can remember when she could barely do the crafts and now she is just a pro.  Another reminder how my baby is growing up so fast!  She is slowly catching onto this egg hunting too, but she likes to be selective on the eggs she picks up, like pink ones, then will come to me and say, "Mama, will you help me find more eggs, I only have 2."  Which as you can guess, at this point every child there has picked up every egg in sight.  I told her she would have to start picking up all the eggs she came to and worry about the color or the prize inside later :)  We may have to practice a little at home.  Just a funny memory to share so I can remember myself, Cohen was 14 months old on her second Easter and Kelly and I hid eggs for her in the front yard and put yogurt melts in each one to teach her how fun it was to find eggs with prizes.
Kate on the other hand was thrilled to have just 1 egg to shake and throw.  When Cohen threw an egg into her basket she just looked inside to check it out.  Curious Kate is always checking something out.  She is definitely our busy body.
It was a fun time for the girls though and we enjoyed it!  It was tough trying to get everyone to look for a group picture so I took what I could get.  I think we have everyone except little Matthew in it and he was real quick to get up to walk away.  Something else was more interesting:)

Kate with her bunny craft

Cohen working on her craft

Off to hunt eggs!

Checking out her basket

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Group shot!

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