Monday, June 17, 2019

Weekend Getaway to Pennsylvania

At the end of May Kelly and I took a weekend trip to Pennsylvania for my friend Tina's daughter's wedding.  We actually were the photographers and it was a fun trip to see a few waifs.  We left on Thursday morning and flew to Baltimore.  Kelly had found a bed and breakfast for us to stay at that night and see a little of the city.  It had a cute harbor area but basically that was it so one night was enough for Baltimore.   We laughed at ourselves too because once we got there the first thing we did was take a nap!  Pregnancy and no kids makes this girl take advantage of a little nap.  Kelly had not been feeling good so that was right up his alley too.  We did go out that night and had a fun date night.
The house the American flag was sewn in

The front of our B&B

breakfast date

Friday morning we left after breakfast and we made our way to Gettysburg.  Kelly knew we would be close to there so it was a stop he definitely wanted to make if possible.  It was neat to see if you like history.  There was a big museum to go through and then we drove to some of the battlefield sites.  After seeing all we wanted there we made our way to the wedding venue to check it out for the wedding the next day.  Then we headed to Tina's house to enjoy some down time.  We had fun catching up with Jessica and Tara and Gordy too.  Later that night we all ate for the rehearsal dinner and we also had a little ice cream stop before calling it a night.

a look out across one of the battlefields

piled in for the rehearsal dinner...even Darryl is back there somewhere

Saturday was the day of the wedding so I was pretty busy all day taking pictures.  A huge thank you to my sweet hubby for being such a sweet helper.  By the end of the night this girl was ready to lay down for sure but it was a fun day!  And on a side note, the last waif wedding was this exact same time in my pregnancy with the Bahamas!  Kelly & I get little "baby moons" thanks to these girls getting married!

A big big thank you to everyone who took care of our kids while we were gone!  It truly took a village to get them all here and there and it means the world to us to know when we leave that they are having fun, well taken care of, and loved on!  We love our village for sure!  Here is Kate at basketball camp...she won the hustle award and hot shot award for her group!  

And I got this from Nikki of Cohen and Kaylyn at the lake!  She had an absolute ball tubing and playing!  Love these girls and their sweet friendship!

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