Thursday, June 6, 2019

The End of the School Year

We have officially ended our school year, in fact we ended it about 3 weeks ago!   Since so much goes on in those last few weeks I'm going to condense it all into one post, so that is the warning that this one may be long.  

Bryce ended his school year first.  First Friends tries to end a week before the school system to help parents with all of the end of the year activities.  He had a fun year and I know he's going to miss seeing all his friends over the summer.  The first half of the year he had days when he wanted to go and days when he didn't but he ended enjoying them all.  At least after the waking up part!  He had a fun little end of the year party.

Bryce & Mrs. Jessica

One of the first activities for the girls was the Jr. Olympics for Cohen.  This event is always so much fun.  There are 3 elementary schools in the county and they all come to the high school to compete against each other.  It is only for 3rd-5th grade.  It is always even more fun for our elementary school because they are usually the winners.  This year Cohen was in 2 relay races and the 200m.  At the end of the year awards ceremony they get their ribbons if they place and Cohen's 4x100 relay team was 3rd and her 4x400 team was 4th.  Its always a lot of fun watching everyone and cheering them on.  Bryce was with me for this day too and was a great sport cheering everyone on and lasting all day.  Luckily we had a nice cloudy day!
first in their heat

Cohen's best friend Josi goes to Royston but these 2 loved seeing each other and cheering each other on!  They cannot wait to be at the Middle School together!

Last Jr. Olympics for my girl...another sad moment for this mama!

The week before school ended we got a letter letting us know that Cohen was one of the top 5 in her 5th grade class.  We were so proud of her!  I know she has worked extremely hard throughout her elementary school career and this was a big honor for her.  She would be giving a speech at her graduation ceremony. 

Both girls had field day at school which is always one of their favorite days.  Kate had hers in the morning and Cohen's was in the afternoon.  I go back and forth to be at both.  Bryce had to come with me to Cohen's and was a good sport to walk around watching each activity.  He was definitely ready to go by the end!

Cohen's class all wore green and the girls were all about painting themselves green, and spraying their hair green.  Of course after one water game that was all a wash!

Mrs. Grizzle's class was the tug of war champions!
The 5th grade had an ice cream party the last week of school.  That day I rounded up several of the kids that were in First Friends preschool together.  I had group pictures of them from their years in the 3 and 4 year old class.

Mrs. Grizzle let her kids paint ceiling tiles for the classroom and Cohen was showing me hers

Had to get one more picture of them in the elementary school halls!
Several of us moms tried to squeeze in as many lunch dates as possible with these sweet girls here at the end of the year.  I knew it would be the last time I could go eat with her which just made me sad all over again.  So many fun little things that we won't get to do.  They have been such close friends and I know I've enjoyed any lunch dates I've had with them.  They definitely kept me entertained with all their talk!   I love it and I hope their sweet friendships continue on for many years.

Kate finished up a great year in first grade.  I personally get a little sad when the year ends.  I'm so excited for summer but I get sad knowing another school year is over, especially when its been a great one.  Kate has loved first grade!   She had the best teacher and just really learned a lot.  I've watched her go from saying sight words to being a great reader.  I can remember with Cohen that was one of the things that really amazed me and was so fun to watch. My kids all love to read and we make reading a bedtime routine.  Seeing her be able to read book from start to finish was so much fun.  Kate had awards day at the end of the year and she was given the Animal Activist award, which if you know Kate you know how much this one suits her.  She was also given the B.A.R.K award which goes to one student in each class.  We were so proud of her and she was so excited to wear her medal!   Her best friend Bentley also was the winner of this award out of his class so we had to get their picture.   These two are like 2 peas in a pod.

BARK winners 

On the last day of school it was 5th grade graduation for Cohen!  The 5th graders get to walk through the halls of the school and they play that awfully sad graduation song.  I knew I would tear up watching that and I did!  After that I did really well though.  Its definitely true what everyone tells you,  once your child starts kindergarten the years just fly.  I really feel like I just dropped her off in Mrs. Kellum's kindergarten class.  Her time at LES has been filled with awesome teachers, she has made some great friends that I know will continue throughout middle and high school, and we have enjoyed each elementary school experience.  With Cohen being my oldest it was all fun for me and it will always be special being my "first" of everything.  I'm looking forward to more time at LES and moving on to new experiences with FCMS.  At graduation Cohen did a great job on her speech and we were super proud of all of her awards.  I was able to get a picture afterwards of Cohen with 4 of her 6 elementary school teachers.  She has really been blessed with such great teachers and I really loved being able to get that one.  After everything was over we were ready to pack up and head home for a celebratory pool party!!
One last walk as a 5th grader

1st, Kindergarten, 2nd, and 5th grade teachers!  All have touched her life for sure!

First and Last Day pictures

First and Last Day pictures of Kate and Mrs. Raines.  She grew so much!
After graduation Keyes and Cohen both had some friends over to swim and celebrate.  We swam, ate, played games and just let the kids hang out together.  I have to say this is one sweet group of kids and we told them they had to stay that way!  I always hate when they get older and continue on through school that they are exposed to more and their small circles have to be broken and get bigger.  And sometimes that is a great thing and has so many advantages but it still makes me a little sad.  Change is always that way.  But my prayer is always for good Christian friendships with friends who will encourage her, hold her accountable,  and help her stay on the right path in life.  FCMS ready or not (and she is ready) here we come!

2 Grads!

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