Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Grand Teton National Park (Day 6)


Wednesday we made our way through Grand Teton National Park.  Excuse the overload of pictures of the mountains but they were just so pretty.  Every where you went it was another viewpoint and all were just too pretty.  We hiked a little and drove a lot.  We had great luck seeing animals and that part was pretty exciting for all of us.  One of the first ones we saw were the pronghorn deer/antelope.  

This is as far as the first hike got us...I laughed & made them stand by this tree

Stare off

Beautiful backdrop behind this one

We stopped for a picnic at Jenny Lake.  It was pretty windy though so it was a quick stop!

We drove to the top of Signal Mountain and got a great view from the top!

On the way down these 2 tried to walk and see if they could spot an animal.  We were hoping for a bear or moose!

Spotted-2 real wild animals

We kept driving and after a quick bathroom stop we spotted our next animal for the day, one we had not seen yet...a coyote.  We tried to tell the kids that this is one that we have a lot of at home we just usually hear them not see them!

After seeing the coyote we turned around to head back when Kelly decided to go down this dirt road.  We had gone a ways down it and met no cars,  and finally got to the end and there were cars parked all along the dirt road.  We knew something must be going on and as we got closer and parked we saw all the cameras set up.  A guy walking by us told us it was a grizzly bear!  This was what we had hoped to see!  There is quite a following on some of these bears and someone told me this bear was named Blondie.  We watched this bear for probably an hour and it ate the entire time.  It did get a lot closer to us and a ranger would ask everyone to keep stepping back.  They want 30 yards between you and the bear.  Blondie didn't seemed to phased by us, which I think we were in her backyard so she was pretty comfortable.  It was so neat watching her and I felt like our animal check list was complete!  Sure there were more we could see but the big ones we had all hoped to see we now had!

After we left the bear it was time to head back.  We wanted to stop at Schwabacher's Landing because we knew from our first day that this was a beautiful place to watch a sunset.  You could see the reflection of the Teton's in the water here too!  I had pictures on my camera, pictures on my phone, it was just so pretty!

I'm not sure how much prettier it gets!  We headed back to the car, where we found that one of the kids had left the door wide open, but thankfully no one decided to steal anything.  Isn't that fun.  We were ready to eat (like always), and walked back into town.  We also got a picture in town under the pink lit up antler archway.  They had one all pink for breast cancer awareness.  Fun end to a fun day!

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