Sunday, May 27, 2018

4th Grade Fun!

Cohen now has 4th grade in the books!  I can't believe my girl only has 1 more year left in elementary school.  Next year I will be one big mess!  I know Cohen would never admit to liking school in any shape or form, but she did have a great year and I think she really enjoyed 4th grade.  She had a sweet teacher, and had so many of her friends in her classroom.  While 4th grade doesn't have the class parties or field trips that kindergarten had, I still have several pics from Cohen's year.  At the end of the year so many activities pile up but she had her gifted class invention convention/steam fair, field day, Jr. Olympics and awards day!  So much fun right here at the end and we are so thankful for another fun year at LES!

One of our lunch dates at school with Coco 
Christmas breakfast 

Cohen & Keyes loved having their teacher come watch their Christmas choir musical!
The school is always good to post pictures of the kids learning at school and doing different projects. I love these peeks into their days!

I only have this one picture from Jr. Olympics!  LES did great once again!  Cohen was in 3 relay races and we were so proud of her!!

Cohen's STEAM fair was early in May.  The kids got to choose a STEAM project or an invention.  Cohen did the STEAM project and here she is doing her presentation to the other classes.

Cohen's turn at field day!  The 4th grade went out in the afternoon after lunch so they had the hotter part of the day.  I was glad to get to see both girls in action but I know the water had to feel good to them because it was a hot one!

Cohen also had awards day during the last week of school.  We couldn't be more proud of all of her accomplishments.  She won awards for being presidential scholar, art awards, and was chosen as the BARK award winner for her class.  That was such an honor for her.  She was also chosen to be an honor guard for the 5th grade graduation for being one of the top 6 in her class.  I can't believe that will be her graduating next year!  


On the last day of school some of us parents had planned a special breakfast/surprise baby shower for Cohen's teacher Mrs. Robinson.  Unfortunately she had to be in the hospital to be monitored for her baby and wasn't able to be there.  Thank goodness for FaceTime because the kids were able to see and talk to her before being out for the summer.  They did get to say goodbye to Mrs. Franklin who was the co-teacher in their class.  Mrs. Franklin also opened the gift basket so Mrs. Robinson could see all her goodies with the kids there too.  It was so sweet.  I have to admit I teared up watching them talk to her.  I know teachers and students definitely bond over the 9 months they're together!

This crew has been together pretty much every year through school!  She's the only girl but we can still threaten them to take a picture together!

Summer here they come!!!  See you in August LES!!!


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