Tuesday, March 6, 2018

A Fun Day at the Capital

A couple of weeks ago we got to experience a fun opportunity.  My father in law, Larry, or Pop to my girls, was asked to be the chaplain of the day for the Georgia House of Representatives.   We got to make this a family affair and all went along to support Pop.  He also thought that this would be a great educational opportunity for the oldest girls, Cohen and Savannah, so they got to miss school and go too.  It was such a special day for them and they really felt important.  They got to sit on the front row with Sug and Pop and meet several of the state representatives.  I know this is one day they won't ever forget.  Larry did such a good job and we were all so proud of him.  I wish I had pictures from him speaking but we couldn't take pictures.  After finishing up our morning at the capital we made our way to lunch at the Varsity.  We had to make it back in time to pick up the other girls at school.  Maybe they will get this same opportunity one day when they are older and can appreciate it!

You may notice Savannah and Cohen with their Mardi Gras beads.  We were there on Fat Tuesday and one of the representatives gave them both beads.  They kept looking up into the galley showing them to us but we really couldn't tell what they were until we came down.

Up in the galley
soaking it up on the front row

Inside the Speaker of the House's office 

Front row seats and smiles!

The whole family with Alan Powell, our representative

seeing the famous 2 headed calf

All in headed home 

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