Monday, January 24, 2022

August/September Recap

Doing a quick recap of August and September since they both kind of just blur together! When school starts we also start back to all sports and stay on the go! Kate and Bryce started soccer, Cohen continues with baton and Ellington is along for the ride! With the kids back in school during the day I got to have a fun girls day out with Dawn, Rebekah, and Grace. We all absolutely love FRIENDS and decided to go to the FRIENDS experience which was in Atlanta. We got to see all the sets and we loved it. It was a quick, fun trip but if you love FRIENDS like we do it was well worth it!
Some other fun during the school day is finally getting to go eat lunch again with the kids. Since Bryce missed out on his whole kindergarten year, this was a first for him. I love getting a little lunch time with them so hopefully we can do this at least once a month.
Ellington is just so funny here at home. She is loving her time alone with me during the days. She loves to play with the kitty, who is so very patient with her. She isn't the most gentle! She also loves sitting with me while I do my makeup. She likes to apply her own which is quite funny to see!
I mentioned the kids being so active in their sports right now. Here are a few pics I took of them at their games. Kate is doing 12U soccer this year with Kelly as her coach. This is her first year playing with all girls. Bryce decided to play soccer since he was too old for T-ball and still too young to play tackle football. One more year! But he told me he just wanted to play ball so soccer it was. He did great and of course we loved watching him. Kate's schedule has been a little more complicated and frustrating to get organized but it was nice that she had a game in Gainesville so Papa, Aunt Vicki, and Aunt Danette were able to come watch. And they won!
Cohen's schedule has been busy busy to say the least. These first 2 months of school are always tough for her because she is balancing, school, baton, auxiliary for football season and middle school tennis. With tennis being a fall sport at the Middle School she has something every day after school. We were so proud of her again for getting a little bit out of that comfort zone and sticking with tennis. She has played all throughout middle school and has improved so much! She looks like a different player from the first time she stepped on those courts. Being #1 singles puts her up against some tough girls and she really held her own this year and we were so impressed with her. I love that she stuck with it even when it wasn't always easy for her. Of course what is her thing is baton so it was fun watching her perform on that football field. She had her 8th grade recognition night on the first home football game. It is crazy how quick these middle school years went by. This year the football team had a great season and were the region runners up. It made for some fun football games and these kids had a blast.
Cohen even got to take the field for the first time for a high school football game. It was auxilary night. Its crazy to think she will be a freshman next year doing this every Friday!
We can't forget that in September we had our annual trip to the rodeo. This was at the beginning of September and the kids always look forward to it!
September was a big month for Kate, she got her braces put on! I don't think she was too excited to know she would have them for at least 2 years but she was a trooper and looked so cute in them!
You can see we are staying so busy this fall! I love every minute!

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