Wednesday, October 16, 2019

September Fun

Fall fun gets started in September even though here in GA its hotter than ever.  I'm not sure where these temps are coming from but we are melting down here.  When your car is telling you its over 100° thats just miserable.  Funny though, as hot as it is we have not been swimming much at all.  School kills the urge to swim I guess.  That and the fact that we have been on the go!  September had the older 3 on the go with tennis, baton, soccer, and t-ball.  UGA football was in full swing which meant Saturdays in Athens! Throw in some rodeo fun, a baton performance at Denver Downs and just loving on our sweet baby and that sums up our month.  Here's a little recap...

When September started so did Georgia football!  Our favorite time of the year!  We love cheering on our Dawgs.  Cohen and Bryce have both been to games too.  Kate has passed on going but we are going to get her there before the season is over!

We love getting to see Grace when we're in Athens!

 We love big games when we can tailgate and that's what we did for our first night game against Notre Dame.  This was such a fun game because everyone was so pumped up for it!  And that Georgia win was nice!

We also started September off with some family fun over Labor Day.  Lydia had her side of the family over to celebrate.  Labor Day was always a special weekend for Kelly and that side of his family.  And while we had everyone together we were able to snap a few family pics!

The Great Grands!
The Guys
The Girls!

I love seeing these fun pictures made at preschool of Bryce in his classroom.  This was a day when he brought his "Me" bag to school to show some of his favorite things.  Of course he had a PlayStation game that he loves to play and his football.   He also had a few other toys in there like his baseball.  He just looked so excited in these pictures and I loved seeing them.

 When we went for our haircuts Bryce got to play with his best buddy Skyler.  These 2 crack me up and we all got a kick out of them running around with their shirts off.  Of course they loved showing off their muscles!

And here is a precious Bryce story...Lydia has a window hanging on her back porch and it has glass panes in it that she has pictures from each of the grandkids that they have painted.  Recently she picked Bryce up from school and he painted his picture that day at her house.  This was it, and he said he wanted to paint Becca.  He has a little crush for sure but this was just too cute so I had to take a picture of his painting!

Kelly and I are trying to do some special day trips with Bryce this year because we know next year he will be in kindergarten.  I can't even type that sentence without tearing up so ugh...
Anyway these trips are a great way also for us to get some special time with our boy.  Of course Ellington is along for the fun but usually just sleeps right through it!  Our first little outing was in Athens to Bear Hollow Zoo.  Its just a small zoo that is free to get in but he loved it.  Afterwards we went to eat at Cali-n-Titos and he loved playing on their little playground.  These little things are so fun for us and I love making fun memories with him.

 We made a stop by Nana's house and I couldn't help but take these pictures.  I always loved that swing & more than likely this was his last time on it.  Breaks my heart.

I was doing some grocery shopping one day and Bryce had his own cart shopping with me.  I snapped a picture bc I just loved looking behind me and seeing him with that shopping cart.  He loves to do this and I know its a simple memory I'll always want to keep.  He informed me when we walked in that day and he got his own little buggy that I used to have to pick him up to touch the "flag" but now he could reach it himself.  And this was the first time.  I had to take a minute because that almost broke me down.  My baby boy is growing far to fast!

We had a little rodeo fun in September.  This is something the kids always look forward to.  Kate was already asking when school started when was the rodeo coming.  The weather decided to not cooperate so we got to watch the rodeo in the rain for a bit.  It did stop but that was pretty interesting.

showing me his bull horns

This little beauty has continued to be such a joy for all of us.  I'm so good for nothing during the day because I just sit and hold her and look at her.  I guess knowing she's my last makes it all ok to me.  Her little personality is starting to show and I'm just in love with her.

Towards the end of the month Cohen's baton team, Carolina Superstars, performed at Denver Downs farm.  It was a really fun day.  We loved watching her and then getting play time at the farm.  It was a hot day since summer is refusing to leave and let fall arrive.  The kids had a blast regardless though!  Bryce and I will get to have more fun there in October when he goes for a field trip.

Cohen & Ansley crack me up here!  

split practice

my favorite boy!  

Kate continued her soccer season and really had a great time.  She had such a good little team.  I think this was from the only game Kelly had to miss and of course she would score 2 goals at this game when he wasn't there!  We celebrated with her favorite meal...spaghetti!

Kate also had Grandparents Day at school.  Sug and Pop enjoyed going to her class and to the book fair and I love getting pictures like this!

September flew by to me and now we are enjoying October.  It has finally started to cool off!  We've already had so much fall fun.  Stay tuned for that post!

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