Saturday, January 12, 2019

Wrapping up 2018!

Well another year has come and gone.  December usually keeps us going in 100 different directions so I was a blog slacker for sure.  Christmas activities keep us going from start to finish between school, church, dance, and family get togethers.  Then throw in basketball starting and a few birthdays, and we just stay busy.  Its all a lot of fun and I wouldn't trade a day!   Heres a little bit of how our December looked...
Bryce helped Sug & Pop get their Christmas tree!

First Friends had breakfast with Santa so Bryce was able to see Santa early in the month and tell him some things he wanted for Christmas.  He was excited to see Santa!  I may have had a talk with Santa myself and of course he agreed I was on the nice list!

 We always have fun celebrating Kelly in December too!   We're so lucky to have him!

The girls sang in the Christmas musical at church and I walked in and found this on the night before.  Makeovers are a sleepover must now.

Cohen had Christmas shows at baton and dance.  We got to watch the routines the girls had been working on.  It was a great way for the family to get to come see her too!  The girls also performed at an Anderson University basketball game twice.  Super proud of our little superstar.

 As school came to an end mid-month we had more parties to go to.  Bryce got out a few days before the girls.  He had pajama day for his last day and a party!  Miss Margaret also came to read the Polar Express.  The kids had a blast!

The girls both had breakfast parties on their last day.  Unfortunately they were at the same time so I had to try to split time.  It was a little hectic on the 5th grade hall so we ended up in Kate's class most of the time.  Bryce always loves feeling included in the party!  You will notice how Bryce has on a gold necklace with a bell on it.  This necklace was in a goodie bag at his party 5 days earlier and was and still is a constant for him.  He LOVES this necklace and even told me one morning recently that he had to put on his necklace because he wears it every day!  I have got a kick out of his love for this thing.  Score!

Cohen and kate both had friends over after school on the last day.  Cohen had 4 and Kate had 1.  These girls had a blast playing and at one point they all decided they wanted to try noodles and syrup like Buddy the Elf.  Gag me but they were loving it!

Right after the kids got out of school for break we made a quick little getaway to Charlotte to The Great Wolf Lodge.  The kids love this place!  It was short but just long enough.  They enjoyed all the water slides and of course played Magi Quest.  While we were in town we got to see some of our friends which I loved!  I always enjoy catching up with anyone I can.  With kids we don't get up there as much as I would like so I love any time we get to catch up!

Catching the snow

We had not been to see Santa all together yet so I had to sneak that in.  We usually go to Lenox Mall in Atlanta but ran out of time this year so Bass Pro it was!  Bryce had me laughing in line because he wondered if this Santa would smell like beef and cheese!  Can you tell someone has had the movie Elf on repeat!

Some other fun things we did before Christmas was looking at lights and going to the Goff's.

I did a terrible job with pictures on Christmas day but I did snap a few on Christmas Eve.  We had service at church at 5:00 and Bryce and Kate saw some of our favorites...Georgia and Josie!  We had our special dinner at Sug and Pop's that night too.  Then it was home to get ready for Santa!

Christmas Eve night all ready for Santa!

Here are a few more pics from December! 

Kate started her basketball season.  They aren't co-ed now so she doesn't play with her buddies Nolan and Bentley but I was able to get a picture of them since they played at the same time in different gyms.  

During our school visits in December Bryce got to see his favorite...Mrs. Sandi!  She always spoils him with treats!  He will be nice and rotten by the time he goes to kindergarten.

These pictures are actually from November but I wanted to put them in anyway.  A few of us girls ran at Lake Lanier in the Lanier Under the Lights 5k.  We had not ran an official race in forever so we were glad to get one in and of course a girls night is always a win!

Its not a race without a dinner afterwards!  Its why we run!

With Cohen in Anderson a few times each week for baton we had time for a lot of shopping which was great!  On this particular night I had my sweet mannequin loving, sidekick with me and she had a field day in Old Navy.  These are just a few of her mannequin shots!  You gotta love Kate!

a school lunch date with my Coco

Some fun pics from the Georgia game!  We love a good night game with friends!  Our beach gang!!

Some fun pics from Kaylyn's birthday party...they girls all painted llamas and had a blast together.

Lunch date at school with Kate and 2 other cuties!
And I had to include this gem...while we twirl in the center of tiger town my girl is proud to sport the red and black!  This was spirit week and usually Baylie has her G on too but this night it was just Cohen.  We love our Carolina Superstars but we do have to stand out sometimes!

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