Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ellington 7 months

Our sweet E is 7 months old!  These months continue to just fly by.  I knew they would but its just so hard to believe she's already 7 months old.  She is the sweetest little girl!  She is so spoiled by everyone, but especially her mama!  She doesn't lack for any entertainment by all 3 siblings.  She is so very nosy!  If she hears a noise she is turning her head.  When we put her down to play she is now at the stage where she is grabbing anything in sight and of course it goes straight to the mouth.  We went to see Dr. Setia for her 6 month check up ( a little late) last week.  She now weighs 16.5 lbs and is 26.5 inches long.  She also has a big head-off the charts!  So much so that Dr. Setia sent her for an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok and there was no fluid in her brain.  Not just because she was off the chart but because she had a big growth from her last appointment.  Luckily everything checked out perfect and I'm pretty sure she just inherited her Daddy's big head :)
One thing that is not perfect is her sleeping at night.  She does not sleep through the night!  She actually wakes up several times.  Sometimes she eats and sometimes she just cries out.  I don't know if she just wants to be snuggled but she will go back to sleep if she's right next to me.  That isn't a good habit at all but Mama needs to sleep!  I don't know what the answer is but we need to figure it out!  Other than her sleep though she is the sweetest baby and I love watching her learn new things.  Just this week she has started to clap her hands.  She also started making the cutest "scrunch up her nose" face.  It really reminds me of what Cohen did when she was little.  She can now sit up by herself.  She can still fall over some, and Bryce can do a great impersonation of it, she's got it pretty good.  We love her to pieces and love this sweet age!

 Scrunching that nose!

First time in a high chair at Chick-Fil-A

 First time eating pancakes!

Love from Deacon!

Nursery Fun
Do we have another baton twirler coming up? Cohen says yes!

And just a year ago this boy was so sad he was getting a sister instead of a brother!  I think he's gotten over that!

check up time

Giving her nurse the side eye before her ultrasound
then holding hands

Since we missed the 6 month post here are her pictures!

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