Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coronacation week 1

I saw this on my walk one day & thought it was so sweet. 

I think its safe to say we are all witnessing one of the craziest things we have ever seen in our life!  If you didn't already know that life could change in the blink of an eye the last 10 days are for sure proof.  Our every day lives have been stopped, and the entire world has been shut down because of the corona virus pandemic.  Its hard to know how to feel these days but no matter what we have been forced to slow down, stay home, and enjoy each other.  Not so bad is it??!   I love having my kids home, I do however miss our activities and I am completely saddened that there are events and activities at school and other places that have been canceled, postponed, and who knows if they will be able to reschedule.  I firmly believe all things happen for a reason though and I know God is all over this situation.  He is telling us to slow down, maybe our activities were starting to become idols to us, but I also know that He will get us through this and we will come out stronger because of it.  We are taught to have faith over fear, so if we pray for this virus to end I believe He will answer.  We maybe are being taught to depend on God not ourselves which we should be doing all the time.  Our busy schedules and daily lives sometimes keep us from doing this.  Now we are getting more family time than we have had in a long time.  My dish washer is also getting more run time than its gotten in a long time!  And I know we will look back in years to come and cherish the time we got to spend during our "coronacation".  I am praying that our schools re-open in a few weeks because I do like for my kids to get closure!  I want my baby boy to graduate preschool.  I want Kate to get her Young Author celebration that she has looked forward to.  I want Cohen to get to compete in her competitions and I want our vacation to go on as planned.  I feel selfish saying those things but I'm only human.  I know its small problems and we will get over whatever doesn't happen but I still pray for that.   In the meantime here are some pictures from our first week of quarantine.  We did have some contact with people other than the 6 of us but believe me we spent most of our time right here!
squeezing in some practice time

Since mama made some yummy desserts this girl got to taste Cool Whip and loved it!

light saber fights were a daily must

more baking
thankful for the warm sunshine we got!  Ellington got to swing for the first time

Warm days called for a little creek time

the sweetest view from my walks

game nights

As you can see walks were a must each day, some warm and some chilly but we were thankful to go out either way

Why do these children keep following us??

 We did get some family pictures made as well.  The peach orchard was BEAUTIFUL in bloom last week and I have always loved the pink trees in full bloom.  We were able to throw it together super quick and now have an updated picture of all of us.  We may not "match" that great but we are all in a picture together and the backdrop sure was pretty!  And...we were 6 feet away from Caron as she took this! "social distancing"

I love my wild, crazy crew and even when we struggle (and believe me we have had our moments), I'm thankful for every minute we get to make these memories.  This is actually how life looked before they got old enough for activities.  Be careful asking to freeze time...we may have just got it.  I know I remind myself of this each day.  I've realized I'm a little more of a control freak than I thought and since this didn't happen on my terms I struggle at times.  Now on to week 2!  My official title as head master/principal starts!  Watch out kids!  And to all my kids teachers, I promise they will probably appreciate you even more after this!  LOL!

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