Sunday, April 19, 2020

CoronaCation 5 weeks in!

Well friends, we are now 5 weeks in and I guess we've settled in pretty good.  Let me just say for us we have definitely did social distancing but we do not completely isolate ourselves from the outside world so I know some people have problems with that, and if so you may not want to read our blog.  I already knew I was a social person before all this and this definitely confirmed that for me.  I miss people so much!  I miss my friends!  I missed seeing my extended family last weekend on Easter!  We do see our immediate family, but that is still very limited and I miss being able to see them and not worry about being there too long or people thinking we are wrong for being around them.  There is something very wrong about that to me.  We can't really be around Suzy and Denny for health reasons and that is something we aren't used to.  Reason # 9,853 I'm ready for this virus to be gone!
Another thing I've wondered this week (aside from keeping my days straight and wondering if I'll forget how to apply makeup) is just how its going to look trying to get back to what was normal for us.  Part of me loves this non-scheduled life but I also love my kids' activities so where is the happy medium?  Having 4 kids makes that a little more complicated too.  In the meantime we will keep enjoying our family time and try to organize another room of the house.

This week the kids started their digital learning.  Monday when it all started I thought I might lose it but slowly we got it all under control.  Helping 2 kids keep everything straight in all subjects all while taking care of a baby and 5 year old was sending me over the edge.  Hopefully the technology kinks got worked out and this week will be smoother.  I'm pretty much trusting Cohen to handle hers herself.  I just get all the messages from each teacher and some send more than others and all at the same time.  If not I may be in the market for a substitute teacher for the remainder of the year...this picture summed up how we felt by lunch time on Monday.  It definitely called for Chick-Fil-A.

Monday is one day Cohen does Zoom baton class.  This week was set to be their picture week, so instead they had virtual picture week.  We also decided to pull out the dance backdrop that I've used for years for Cohen's pictures and did a few on that.  My girl is just growing up on me!

I found the cutest note in Kate's notebook.  It was her list of things she wanted to do on Tuesday and another for Wednesday.  I'm pretty sure she had written this out on Monday.  What I have loved this week is how much she and Bryce have been playing with the Shaver's.  You will see that on her list too.  They will watch and make plans with them for when they are going to come out and play each day.  They have been playing on their trampoline and having the best time.  I am once again thankful to be in a neighborhood during all this.  They have someone to play with, along with each other of course.
This list was precious to me to read.  She had everything down from her school work, eating Berry Berry Kix for breakfast and last on Wednesday's list...give Mama a massage.  She is such a sweetie, and this is the stuff I am treasuring right now.  

 Hubby has been busy painting the trim on our house.  He started in the fall and then had to stop when it got cold and we got too busy.  Now he's finishing up before it gets a consistent 100 degrees.  He loves to work outside so he is in his element.  I do think he's over the painting part but he's almost done!

After Cohen's dance zoom class Tuesday she wanted to show us a routine they had worked on.  Well right after she danced Kelly decided he would show her his dance and well...I was laughing so hard and grabbed my phone to capture this...there is only a blur but you get the picture.  It was quite funny!

Wednesday started with a little "picnic" with my best boy.  I love him!  And he's loving all these baby toys we have pulled down from the attic that I kept and didn't remember!
Wednesday we took Cohen for a private one on one (6 ft apart) lesson, and while she was working Kelly and I had a lunch date in the truck from our favorite-Barbaritos!  If you know me you know how excited I was.  It is one of our favorites!   Pop & Sug had the other kiddos so it was officially a date!  We didn't know quite what to do with ourselves!

We ate with Pop & Sug that night when we picked up the kids.  This sweet face was eyeing all that food.

 When we got home that night the kids were excited to get some mail from Aunt Vicki.  She had sent them a little trivia question around Easter and they each got a dollar for answering the question.  Cohen was really the only one who got it right but Aunt Vicki was so sweet to give everyone their dollar. 

Thursday Kate had a zoom class with her challenge class.  They got to do a fun little experiment.  

Daddy approved my outfit!
 Ellington has found herself in her mirror and is so cute looking at herself. 

Kate also had to get her tooth fixed this week.  A process we are all to familiar with.  She had been begging to go to the Dollar Store (the little things are the best things), so we stopped in after her appointment since she did so good!

We also grabbed an ice cream & new favorite.  I'm becoming a coffee drinker during all this! (iced coffee)
 They had more trampoline fun too!

Coco finished another puzzle...pretty partial to this one!  Has me missing football season a little more!
 Later on Thursday night the week took a turn...Kelly got his clippers/trimmers back out on Bryce.  Bryce had been asking Kelly to make him bald headed!  He also would say he wanted to be bald like Darth Vader.  Don't ask me why! Well Kelly granted his wish and my baby boy has been scalped!  I wanted to cry.  Now I'm praying every night that his hair grows faster than it ever has!  So you will probably be seeing only pictures of Bryce wearing ball caps for a while...still crying.   I know its only hair and his does grow fast was not a good night for me.   Needless to say if I ever see Kelly coming near Bryce with any clippers, trimmers, scissors, etc...I might take his hand off.  

Friday you may or may not have noticed a traffic jam if you live in Lavonia-there was a sale on chicken and it caused quite the back up.  Dawn and I were out for our morning walk and our sidewalk was taken over with cars lined up.  It was a sight to see so we had to get a pic!

The kids did some sweet little cards to be dropped off at the nursing home this week.  Hopefully a little gesture that might bring a smile to their face. 

And over the weekend we soaked up some sunshine and played at home.  Bryce and I had our weekly fun cutting grass!  I love that he loves riding with me. 

 And today we squeezed in a little exercise walking and riding bikes. 

You know this girl is going to find something!  This nest had baby birds and eggs still in it.  Hopefully she didn't mess it up!

Well we have officially hit the one month mark.  I never thought this would last this long, I'm not sure any of us did.  These are definitely some uncertain times and we are learning a lot.  I am trying to be content in all of it and most of the time I am.  There are days/moments when I just want to scream but I'm going to focus on the positives that are happening too.  Or try!  Its a process for all of us isn't it!?!  Definitely making some memories around here!   Have a great week!!  I'll leave you with some of the funnies I saw and liked this week.

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