Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Last Day of Being 5...Definitely a Teeth Day

Wednesday was February 5th which Cohen called her last day of being 5.  Sentimental me has a hard time with the word "last".  I knew it might be a difficult day for Cohen because she was getting her cavity fixed and Cohen is always so anxious about things.  She also had a front tooth pretty much hanging by a thread.  After lunch when I went to pick her up I noticed right away that the tooth was gone!  She would not let us touch it but she told me she let Mrs. Dove pull it that morning and was all smiles.  I was so glad because I was planning to have the dentist do it if it had not come out.  She was so excited to think the tooth fairy would be coming to see her on her birthday since it would be while she was asleep and that is technically the next day.  I was glad it managed to take her mind off of her appointment.  We made a quick stop before heading over to the dentist's office.  Cohen really did so good!  I almost cried seeing her laying there with laughing gas but I wouldn't dare let her see that.  She was such a trooper too.  They put her tooth crown on and she was ready to go.  She got right up and came right to me.  I think she was a little upset and she did cry in the car but I think a lot of it had to do with her being so tired and her lip was numb.  She was asleep in less than 10 minutes and had a great nap.  She was so much better after she woke up so that was great!  That night before bed she made a special note for the tooth fairy and we took one last picture of us while she was 5:).   I can't believe how fast my baby girl is growing.  It seems like yesterday she was born and I remember the night before so well too.  Time flies when your having fun!
With her "bunny nose" on ...she's also watching Madagascar

Cohen's note to the tooth fairy

Last picture with my 5 year old
 Just last Saturday this is where I found Cohen....curled up in our bassinet!  How crazy to see my big girl in this bassinet.  Seems like yesterday she could fit in it...comfortably!

1 comment:

  1. Cohen is just simply adorable! She's definitely one of the bravest 6 year olds I've seen! I understand that it must have been hard to watch her like that. I know I would feel the same If I it was my daughter in her position. But with the way she remained steady and strong throughout the visit just tells what kind of lady she's going to grow up to. I hope she's doing okay this month, as with the rest of the family!

    James @ Back Mountain Dental
